
by Freya Systems

Data Analytics: Expectations for 2023    The use of data analytics will become more common in workplaces of all sizes as businesses strive to make better decisions faster. As a result, data and analytics will play an integral role in driving success for businesses worldwide. Companies embracing data-driven decision-making...

by Freya Systems

There comes a time in every organization when you need to sit down and evaluate where you are on a cultural level. Are our values still relevant to the Freya team? Have our values kept up with our evolution as a business? We asked these questions throughout last year,...

The following essay was Published in Drexel University Publishing Group’s annual collection (known as The 33rd”) in 2014 as the first-place winner of the Zelda Provenzano Endowed STEM Writing Award. In honor of the 207th anniversary of Ada Lovelace’s birth (December 10th, 2022) it is reprinted here with permission...

by Katherine Anderson

How to Create Dynamic Tabs in R Markdown   Tutorial on programmatically generating tab headings for multiple figures in HTML reports Freya Systems Extension of Previous Tabsets Tutorial A previous tutorial, “How to use tabsets in R Markdown”, introduced tabsets for grouping figures together into an interactive instance. In...

A line graph comparing the number of home runs by Mark McGwire versus Sammy Sosa during their MLB careers.

by Freya Systems

Learn which technologies combine to make data a critical organizational asset Read our tutorial below on space-efficient displays of multiple figures in HTML reports using Quarto and R. What is Quarto? Quarto is a new open source scientific and technical publishing system created by Posit (formerly RStudio). Quarto is...

by Freya Systems

The Goal: Space Saving Displays for Similar Figures in an HTML Report R Markdown is a fantastic tool for R users seeking to combine data visualization and analysis in a single reproducible deliverable. However, there are instances in which the volume of figures required clogs up the report, which...

by Chris MacNeel

A Guide to the Challenges of Vibrational Condition Based Maintenance for Legacy Aviation Hardware The benefits of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) algorithms are well known – they improve availability of reliable equipment and help reduce maintenance costs. However, the challenges of implementing these algorithms on legacy hardware can be...

by Katherine Anderson

  Clean Code with SQL Views One thing that can be both frustrating and freeing is that there is no single correct way to optimally do things in software. After reading the book Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by software expert Robert C. Martin, I have...


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