Data Analytics

Helping you predict the future with your data

Freya is a small data analytics company that provides solutions to some of the largest companies in the world.

Our data analytics providers have in-depth experience solving complex time-series problems across industries including fleet management and aviation. Using predictive analytics and data science models, we excel in improving productivity, reducing costs, minimizing downtime risks, and delivering accurate forecasts.

Interested in data solutions for your business?

Let’s talk!

Industrial Data Analytics Solutions

Our data analytics team excels at helping our customers use their data confidently to make decisions about their equipment by developing:



The start of any solution is an initial analysis. For this element, we gather the data you have available, work with your subject matter experts to understand it, and then perform our analysis. In the end, we deliver you an interactive report detailing the results, conclusions, and recommendations. Our Decision Support System Software highlights impactful data, shows outcomes, and is accessible to all members of your team.



Following initial analysis, if the data sources support it, we can develop customized algorithms to repeat the analysis on demand. These can be run by your IT team or embedded in future applications.



Some solutions deliver insight that will enable data-driven decision-making for your enterprise in the future. We can rapidly develop prototype applications to help understand and illustrate the benefits to your business. Such prototypes also refine the requirements for the production version of web and or mobile applications which can be developed by your team or ours.

“We’re not going to tell you what to do, we’re going to tell you what the data says and why it says it.”

What to Expect

Data Analytics

We Use The Latest Tools

Among the many tools we have at our disposal are:

R studiopythonJupyterR programming language Spyder


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